Cyborg She. Cyborg Girl ?? ?????????? Full movie HD 1080p

Trebuie sa fie un film care te-a impresionat sau poate unu care nu ti-a placut deloc. Hai sa vedem ce parere au si ceilalti despre el.

Posts: 2048
Joined: 24.10.2006 14:53
PostPosted: 10.10.2012 00:31

aici e original in japoneza...

10.10.2012 16:10
mai jos de LINK-ul dat deja, si o varianta cu subtitrare in SPANIOLA, complet, definitia 780p

Filmul merita sa fie integral VAZUT si simtit. Dar pentru intelegere in mare, oarece explicatii despre.
Explicatiile par plictisitoare si greoaie, filmul insa va fura total, este fascinant.

Cyborg She. Cyborg Girl ?? ?????????? Full movie HD 1080p(Jap.)

- Dau intai wiki.en,
- apoi traducerea penibila in romana prin Google Translator,macar sa se priceapa ceva,
- apoi LINK-ul cu filmul intreg (de fapt doua LINK-uri,si varianta cu subtitrare spaniola 780p vezi jos de tot).

Cyborg She
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Cyborg She
Directed by Kwak Jae-yong
Produced by Ji Young-jun
Hidemi Satani
Mataichiro Yamamoto
Written by Kwak Jae-yong
Starring Haruka Ayase
Keisuke Koide
Cinematography Junichirô Hayashi
Editing by Shuichi Kakesu
Release date(s) May 12, 2008
Running time 120 minutes
Country Japan
Language Japanese
Budget $8,500,000[1]
Box office $7,172,979[2]

Cyborg She (?????????? Boku no Kanojo wa Saib?gu?, literally "My Girlfriend is a Cyborg") is a 2008 Japanese film by South Korean director & writer Kwak Jae-yong starring Haruka Ayase and Keisuke Koide.

1 Story
2 Characters
3 Adaptions
4 References
5 External links


It is November 22, 2007. Jirou Kitamura (Keisuke Koide) is spending his 20th birthday alone. As he buys a birthday present for himself in a shopping mall, gathers attention of a 'cute girl' (Haruka Ayase) and she surprisingly smiles at him. Afterwards, she successfully steals a pair of clothes which is noticed by Jirou but he ignores the fact as she walks away in front of him and amazed to see her beauty. The mystery girl, who seems interested in him, follows him into the restaurant, where he was having spaghetti on the advice of her grandmother for a longer and peaceful life. She suddenly appears during which she states that it's 'her birthday too'. The two of them then exchange birthday presents. The girl, who seems unused to everything, behaves very boldly and suddenly rushes Jirou out of the restaurant without paying, provoking a chase through Tokyo. As he spends time with her, Jirou finds himself charmed by the girl. But after a few hours the girl insists she has to leave.

The story then jumps to one year later and Jirou is again celebrating his birthday alone in the same restaurant. All of a sudden, the same girl appears in front of him. This girl, however, has been sent to save him from a disastrous fate by a future version of himself- she's a cyborg, modeled after the girl he met a year ago. While he was rejoiced by her presence. Suddenly, the restaurant was under attacked by a gunman but she saves him and others by throwing the gunman out of the window. Despite her 'cute' outward appearance, she is incredibly strong, and her behavior is erratic. Later on, in his home she reveals her true identity by showing him a 3D projection of his own future appearance as a more aged person who warns him about an upcoming disaster. Its comes to his knowledge that the bullet storm showdown at the restaurant caused him a lifelong paralysis. But, a lottery ticket he bought earlier was fortunate for him. Moreover, he spent all his time and money on one thing is to create her to save himself of the past about 60 years ago. Now, he has recreated the history of his timeline by sending her but it was not supposed to happen but it'll correct itself by recaliberating to the right dimension. In a short span of time, she becomes Jirou's protector as well as a loyal friend and they both share some wonderful moments. She also saves many other lives which happens to be a series of disappointing memories Jirou of the future regretted to witness them dying.

Over the time, Jirou not only becomes dependent on, but also falls for her. However, when she cannot return his feelings, he gets irritated and forbids her from seeing him unless she can do so. He begins to regret this, especially when it becomes apparent she is still helping him while staying out of sight. Another disaster soon happens: a gigantic earthquake completely devastates Tokyo. As his apartment block collapses, the girl appears to help him but even her inhuman strength isn't enough to save him. After telling Jirou that she now understands his feelings, she is destroyed. Distraught, Jirou spends the next 61 years trying to rebuild her. He eventually succeeds, although he passes away soon afterwards.

Further in the future, 63 years later, in 2133, a girl is told there is a cyborg on display that looks just like her. She is curious, and buys the now defunct cyborg to experience the memories stored in her hard-drive. Intrigued, she then decides to fulfill her wish of going back in time to meet Jirou on his 20th birthday in 2007...

Girl (nameless; seen November 22, 2007)

A girl who suddenly appeared before Jirou whilst he was celebrating his birthday alone. After a few hours, she stated that she had to go and vanished again. She seems to be a notable glutton. Her looks and eating habits were the model for the cyborg who later appeared to him. She seems to have a hidden agenda of her own, though...

Cyborg Girl (nameless; seen November 22, 2008 to sometime before April 7 in 2009)

The cyborg who the future Jirou sent back in time to protect his younger self from a terrible fate. She has superhuman strength and speed, can show holograms through her eyes, and can reproduce the past through this. She can shock people through electrical charge from her skin and eyes, and can also imitate people's voices perfectly after only hearing them once. She appears to be just like a normal person, down to her ability to eat. Drinking alcohol also seems to cause a malfunction in her system. She doesn't like being called a robot.

After Jirou's death, she was preserved in a museum, then put up for auction in the 22nd century.

Her conception and subsequent portrayal was intended to be similar to the behavior of cyborgs in the Terminator series, as a sort of homage as well as parody.

Date of production: 22nd May, 2070 (from the pamphlet)
Codename: Cybodain Model 103 (English subtitles: Cyberdyne Model 103)
Head: A reproduction of human neurons via nanotechnology, with molecular analog circuitry for coordination. She is installed with AI (Artificial Intelligence).
Body: Her bones are made from an alloy found on Jupiter's satellite Io, and her cells are the same structure as a human's. As an android, she seems to have 'eternal life', as her cells don't decay.
Special skill: Gradually being able to understand the feelings of humans.
Mission: Protect Jirou.

Future Girl (nameless; from the 22nd Century)

After acquiring the Cyborg Girl (whom she has a close resemblance to), she learns about its past, and travels back into 2007 where she meet Jirou (hence giving him a memory of her into 2008), and later into the year (not made clear) where Tokyo was devastated by an earthquake, so that she can marry Jirou and spend her life with him.

Jirou Kitamura (the 'boku' of the title)

A university student who has bought a present for himself and gone to eat spaghetti at the same restaurant every year for his birthday. What he studies is unclear, although he attends lectures on mathematics. He has a part-time job at a hamburger shop.

His birthplace was in a small village in the mountains, although it was destroyed by an earthquake which led to the dispersal of all its residents.

Future Jirou became a millionaire through a lottery ticket he had originally purchased. However, the thought of the accident which left him disabled (a random shooting at the same restaurant) still weighed on him heavily, and he decided to send back a cyborg to change his younger self's fate.

When the present Jirou grows old and dies, a waxwork model of him is preserved in a museum alongside the cyborg he created.

Date of birth: 22nd November, 1987
Name: Jirou Kitamura
Address: An apartment in a building at the city centre
Pet: Previously a cat (childhood days), currently an iguana (2007). Its name is always 'Raoul'.

Jirou's grandmother

The one who told Jirou that he should always eat noodles on his birthday for a long life. Thought to be deceased in 2008. It is a secret as to who she really is. Later revealed in the movie that she was Jirou's mother.

Jirou's friend (Kenta Satou)

In the same year as he is at university. Seems to know a lot about cooking involving capibaras, and likes to impress girls.

University professor

Always has a lot of energy when talking about formulas in his lectures. Relentlessly throws chalk at his students, loves baseball and has quirky whole-body gestures when he strikes his target with flying bits chalk kept in a special box.


Seemingly lost his mind in the restaurant on the 22nd November 2008. Shot at the customers randomly with an automatic rifle, then poured gasoline all over the restaurant and planned to set fire to it. The cause of future Jirou's disability.


Aici traducerea penibila, prin Google Translator, dar ajuta oarecum la intelegere. O las asa in aceasta varianta. aveti voie sa radeti.

Ea cyborg (? ? ?? ? ????? Boku wa nu Kanojo Saib?gu, literalmente "Prietena mea este un Cyborg"?) este un film japonez 2008 de c?tre regizorul sud-coreean si scriitor Kwak Jae-yong încearc? Ayase Haruka ?i Koide Keisuke.

1 Povestea
2 caractere
3 adapt?rile
4 Referin?e
5 Leg?turi externe


Acum este noiembrie 22, 2007. Jirou Kitamura (Keisuke Koide) isi petrece singur a douazecea zi de nastere.. Faptul ca el isi cumpara un cadou de ziua lui pentru el însu?i într-un mall, adun? aten?ia unei "fete dr?gu?e" (Haruka Ayase), iar in mod surprinzator ea ii zâmbe?te. Ulterior, ea a furat cu succes o pereche de haine, care se remarca printr-Jirou dar el ignor? faptul ca ea merge departe în fa?a lui ?i a uimit s? vad? frumuse?ea ei. Fata mister, care pare interesat în el, îl urmeaz? în restaurant, unde el a fost având în spaghete pe sfatul bunicii ei pentru o via?? mai lung? ?i lini?tit?. Ea apare brusc în care ea afirm? c? e "de ziua ei prea". Doi dintre ei, apoi schimb de cadouri aniversare. Fata, care pare neutilizat la tot, se comport? foarte îndr?zneal? ?i brusc Jirou papur? din restaurant f?r? plat?, provocând o urm?rire prin Tokyo. Ca el petrece timpul cu ea, Jirou se trezeste fermecat de fata. Dar, dup? câteva ore fata insist? ea trebuie s? plece.

Povestea apoi sare la un an mai târziu ?i Jirou î?i s?rb?tore?te ziua de na?tere din nou lui singur în acela?i restaurant. Dintr-o dat?, aceeasi fata apare în fa?a lui. Aceast? fat?, cu toate acestea, a fost trimis s?-l salveze de la o soart? dezastruoas? de o versiune viitoare a însu?i-e un cyborg, modelat dup? fata sa întâlnit cu un an în urm?. În timp ce el a fost bucurat de prezen?a ei. Dintr-o data, restaurantul a fost sub atacat de un pistolar, dar ea salveaz?-l ?i altora prin aruncarea pistolar din fereastr?. În ciuda ei "dr?gu?" aspectul exterior, ea este incredibil de puternic, iar comportamentul ei este neregulat. Mai târziu, în casa lui, ea dezv?luie adev?rata ei identitate, ar?tându-i o proiec?ie 3D a lui aparitie propriul viitor ca o persoan? mai în vârst? care-l avertizeaz? despre un dezastru viitoare. Sa ia cuno?tin?? faptul c? showdown furtuna glon? la restaurantul i-au cauzat o paralizie pe tot parcursul vie?ii. Dar, un bilet de loterie si-a cumparat mai devreme a fost norocos pentru el. Mai mult decât atât, el a petrecut tot timpul si bani pe un singur lucru este de a crea ei de a se salva pe sine din trecut aproximativ 60 de ani în urm?. Acum, el a recreat istoria cronologie s?u prin expedierea ei, dar ea nu trebuia s? se întâmple, dar o s? se corecteze de recaliberating la dimensiunea dreapta. Într-un interval scurt de timp, ea devine protectorul Jirou, precum ?i un prieten loial si ambele au unele momente minunate. Ea salveaz? vie?i, de asemenea, multe alte, care se întâmpl? s? fie o serie de amintiri dezam?gitoare Jirou a viitorului regretat s? asiste la ei murind.

A lungul timpului, nu numai Jirou devine dependent, dar, de asemenea, se indragosteste de ea. Cu toate acestea, atunci când ea nu se poate întoarce sentimentele sale, el devine iritat ?i interzice ei de la v?zându-l dac? ea poate face acest lucru. El începe s? regrete acest lucru, mai ales atunci când acesta devine evident ea este înc? îl ajut? în timp ce sejurului la vedere. Un alt caz de catastrofe în curând se întâmpl?: un cutremur gigantic devasteaz? complet Tokyo. Ca pr?bu?e?te sale apartament de bloc, fata pare sa-l ajute, dar chiar ?i puterea ei inumane nu este suficient s?-l salveze. Dup? spune Jirou c? în?elege acum sentimentele sale, ea este distrus?. Înnebunit? de durere, î?i petrece urm?torii Jirou 61 ani încercând s? o reconstruiasc?. El reu?e?te în cele din urm?, de?i el trece în curând dup? aceea.

Mai departe în viitor, 63 de ani mai târziu, în 2133, o fat? se spune c? este un cyborg pe ecran care arata la fel ca ea. Ea este curios, ?i cump?r? cyborg acum defuncta a experimenta amintirile stocate în ea hard-disk. Intrigat, ea apoi decide s?-?i îndeplineasc? dorin?a ei de a merge înapoi în timp pentru a satisface Jirou de ziua lui 20 in 2007 ...

Fata (f?r? nume; v?zut 22 noiembrie 2007)

O fat? care a ap?rut brusc în fa?a Jirou în timp ce el a fost s?rb?tore?te ziua de na?tere singur. Dup? câteva ore, ea a declarat c? a trebuit s? mearg? ?i a disp?rut din nou. Ea pare a fi un mânc?cios notabile. Aspectul ei ?i obiceiurile alimentare au fost modelul pentru cyborg care a ap?rut mai târziu s?-l. Ea pare s? aib? o agend? ascuns? de ei, de?i ...

Fata de cyborg (f?r? nume; v?zut 22 noiembrie 2008 la cândva înainte de 7 aprilie în 2009)

Cyborg care viitorul Jirou trimis înapoi în timp pentru a proteja pe sine mai tineri de la o soart? teribil?. Ea are puteri supraomene?ti ?i vitez?, poate ar?ta holograme prin ochii ei, si poate reproduce trecutul prin asta. Ea poate ?oca pe oameni prin intermediul sarcina electrica de la pielea ei ?i cu ochii, ?i poate, de asemenea, imita vocile oamenilor perfect, dup? ascultarea numai ei o dat?. Ea pare a fi la fel ca o persoan? normal?, pân? la capacitatea ei de a mânca. Consumul de alcool, de asemenea, pare a provoca o defec?iune în sistemul ei. Ea nu-i place s? fie numit un robot.

Dup? moartea lui Jirou, ea a fost p?strat? într-un muzeu, apoi pune la licitatie, în secolul 22.

Concep?ia ei ?i reprezentarea ulterioar? a fost destinat s? fie similar? cu comportamentul cyborgi din seria Terminator, ca un fel de omagiu, precum ?i parodie.

Data de produc?ie: 22 mai 2070 (de la pamflet)
Codename: Cybodain model 103 (subtitrare în limba englez?: Cyberdyne model 103)
?eful: O reproducere a neuronilor umane prin intermediul nanotehnologiei, cu circuite analogice moleculara de coordonare. Ea este instalat cu AI (Inteligenta Artificiala).
Corp: oasele ei sunt realizate dintr-un aliaj g?site pe Io, satelitul lui Jupiter, iar celulele ei sunt aceea?i structur? ca un om a lui. Ca un android, ea pare s? aib? "via?a ve?nic?", a?a cum celulele ei nu se descompun?.
Abilit??i speciale: Treptat, fiind capabil s? în?eleag? sentimentele oamenilor.
Misiunea: Protect Jirou.

Fata de viitor (f?r? nume, din secolul 22)

Dup? achizi?ionarea Fata Cyborg (care are o asemanare aproape de), ea înva?? despre trecutul s?u, ?i c?l?tore?te înapoi în 2007 în cazul în care ea satisface Jirou (deci oferindu-i o amintire de ea în 2008), iar mai târziu, în anul (nu se face clar), în cazul în care Tokyo a fost devastat de un cutremur, astfel încât ea poate c?s?tori Jirou ?i petreac? via?a cu el.

Jirou Kitamura ("BOKU" din titlu)

Un student care a cump?rat un cadou pentru el ?i au plecat s? m?nânce spaghete la acela?i restaurant în fiecare an de ziua lui. Ceea ce el studiaza este clar, desi el a participa la cursuri de matematic?. El are un loc de munc? part-time la un magazin hamburger.

Locul s?u de na?tere a fost într-un mic sat din mun?i, de?i a fost distrus de un cutremur care a dus la dispersarea to?i reziden?ii s?i.

Viitorul Jirou a devenit un milionar printr-un bilet de loterie cump?rat ini?ial el a. Cu toate acestea, gândul de a accidentului pe care l-au l?sat cu handicap (o fotografiere aleatoriu la acela?i restaurant) înc? cânt?rit greu pe el, ?i el a decis s? trimit? înapoi un cyborg de a schimba soarta de sine lui mai mic a lui.

Când Jirou prezent îmb?trâne?te ?i moare, un model panoptic de el este p?strat? într-un muzeu, al?turi cyborg el a creat.

Data na?terii: 22 noiembrie 1987
Nume: Jirou Kitamura
Adresa: Un apartament într-o cl?dire de la centrul ora?ului
Pet: Anterior o pisica (zile copilarie), în prezent o iguana (2007). Numele s?u este întotdeauna "Raoul".

Jirou bunica

Cel care a spus c? ar trebui s? Jirou m?nânce întotdeauna fidea de ziua lui pentru o via?? lung?. Considerat a fi decedat în 2008. Acesta este un secret cu privire la cine este ea cu adevarat. Mai târziu, dezv?luit în filmul pe care ea a fost mama lui Jirou.

Jirou prietenul lui (Kenta Satou)

În acela?i an ca el este la universitate. Pare s? ?tie multe despre g?tit capibaras implic?, si ii place sa impresioneze fetele.

Profesor universitar

Are întotdeauna o mul?ime de energie atunci când vorbim despre formule în prelegerile sale. Arunc? necontenit creta la elevii s?i, iube?te baseball ?i are ciudate întregului corp gesturi atunci când love?te ?inta lui cu creta zboar? bi?i p?strate într-o cutie speciala.


A pierdut aparent mintea lui, în restaurantul de la 22 noiembrie 2008. Împu?cat la clientii aleatoriu cu o pu?c? automat?, apoi turnat benzina peste tot restaurant ?i planificat s? dea foc la ea. Cauza de handicap viitorului Jirou lui.

O adaptare manga de Akihiro Nakamura a fost lansat pe 17 octombrie 2008 (ISBN 4063755746). Bazat pe filmul, a fost publicat în revista Kodansha tân?r.

E initial fixat pe o definitie penibila, 360p...dar desi greu, faceti KLICK pe steluta aceea de jos, deschideti coloana verticala de definitie, si fixati-va definitia la 1080p, sau una suportata de Video Card, desktop-ul pe care-l aveti si legatura Network. .. Daca nu reuseste din primul sut, mai incercati o data si actualizati pagina pana cand aveti definitia maxima pe care o duce computerul Domniilor Voastre.(si 720p e foarte buna).deschideti-l mare pe tot desktop-ul.
Cel mai bine, si fara greutati, se vede folosind un tv HD 1080p in loc de desktop..
Legatura de la computer la tv prin cablu DVI sau cel mai bine prin cablu HDMI 1.4a cu Ethernet.

Cyborg She.Cyborg Girl ?? ?????????? Full movie. HD 1080pJap.

pentru cine nu-l intelege decat chinuitor, aici il aveti cu subtitluri in SPANIOLA, cu definitie de 720p

Cyborg Girl (She) .. Mi novia es un Cyborg (HD) .. SubEspañol .. (2008) 780p






Georg Schoenpflug von Gambsenberg

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